Catálogo Biblioteca Central

#EDINA : European defense in a new age

#EDINA : European defense in a new age [Recurso electrónico] .-- Potsdam-Babelsberg : Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit , 2023 .-- 24 p. .-- Reshape Europe . ;

European security is undergoing a tectonic shift. The Russian war and its shockwaves are leading to a rapid and potentially disrup- tive change in European defence. This con- cerns the immediate to long-term European response, support to Ukraine, but also the need to reassess the European defence eco- system, with a focus on changing defence concepts, capabilities and cooperation. How- ever, this war is only one sign of a larger transformation: the world is entering an era of systemic conflict. Megatrends in geopolitics, economics, technology, the changing nature of conflict, but also climate change and new social movements shape this era.

This publication is a contribution to inform this reflection and shaping process. It offers first findings on central developments and key questions from a deeper dive into develop- ments in 15 European countries. Nine topics stand out as key to the future shape of Euro- pean defence.

Política común de seguridad y defensa Política exterior Conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania
