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New European Competition Trends in Digital Markets Edited by Juan Ignacio Ruiz Peris, Carmen Estevan De Quesada [Recurso electrónico]

Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries MercantilDetalles de publicación: Barcelona : Atelier : Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades : Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo, Generalitat Valenciana , 2024Descripción: 326 pTema(s): Recursos en línea: Resumen: Digital Platforms have become one of the main actors in todays’ economy. Their performance on the market has also given rise to different competition concerns. Due to that Competition Authorities both in the United States and in the European Union during the last years have developed some tools and conducted proceedings in order to asses this competition problems, which will be studied in the present book. In relation to the new mechanisms for the enforcement of competition Law, new competition instruments such as the included in GWB Novelle: paragraphs 19a GWB and 32f GWB have to be highlighted. In the field of mergers, Digital Platforms also present some specific characteristics, specially regarding the theories of harms and the commitments needed for addressing competitive concerns, which need to be analysed in detail.Concerning abuse of dominance, it has to be addressed the impact of this problem in relation to AI innovation taking into without forgetting a regulatory approach to the issue. Finally, the interaction between digital platforms and the use of data is of great interest especially because of the interaction between the elements of enforcement from both areas.
Tipo de ítem: Recurso electrónico para descargar
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Biblioteca Central del Ministerio de la Presidencia Recurso electrónico En línea No para préstamo
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Digital Platforms have become one of the main actors in todays’ economy. Their performance on the market has also given rise to different competition concerns. Due to that Competition Authorities both in the United States and in the European Union during the last years have developed some tools and conducted proceedings in order to asses this competition problems, which will be studied in the present book. In relation to the new mechanisms for the enforcement of competition Law, new competition instruments such as the included in GWB Novelle: paragraphs 19a GWB and 32f GWB have to be highlighted. In the field of mergers, Digital Platforms also present some specific characteristics, specially regarding the theories of harms and the commitments needed for addressing competitive concerns, which need to be analysed in detail.Concerning abuse of dominance, it has to be addressed the impact of this problem in relation to AI innovation taking into without forgetting a regulatory approach to the issue. Finally, the interaction between digital platforms and the use of data is of great interest especially because of the interaction between the elements of enforcement from both areas.

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